
  1. How Fast the Days Are Getting Longer

    Here in the northern hemisphere the vernal equinox...

  2. Consciousness is not computation

    Spend enough time in the tech world and...

  3. Understanding Stein's paradox

    An intuitive explanation of the James-Stein estimator.

  4. My experience with the Librem 13 laptop

    I’ve been using Purism’s Librem 13 laptop as...

  5. What is the expected value of a decisive vote?

    Voting is an odd thing. We all in...

  6. When My Left Lung Collapsed

    Sunday, February 10, 2019 began as a wonderful...

  7. Reflections on the Google AI Residency One Year On

    About a year ago I finished up a...

  8. Multi-GPU training with Tensorflow Estimators

    Tensorflow Estimators handle much of the boilerplate of...

  9. Building a standalone C++ Tensorflow program on Windows

    In the last post we built a static...

  10. Building a static Tensorflow C++ library on Windows

    Tensorflow was built first and foremost as a...

  11. Understanding the modes of mass transfer in binary stars

    Suppose we have a pair of stars orbiting...

  12. What are the progenitors of Type Ia supernovae?

    I discussed in a previous article one of...

  13. Don't end your talk with a thank you slide

    There are many ways to give bad talks,...

  14. How much mass must an open cluster lose to become unbound?

    Although there is strong evidence that nearly all...

  15. The discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe

    Among the most important developments in cosmology was...

  16. The Ambartsumian distribution

    In our look at Jeans’s 1919 paper in...

  17. Apples in a spacecraft

    Scott Tremaine’s contribution to a retrospective series on...

  18. The thermal eccentricity distribution

    One of the most beautiful results in dynamics...

  19. Why is uniform circular motion acceleration?

    A common stumbling block for new physics students...

  20. What is a dex?

    The term “dex” comes up rather frequently in...